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VE Day celebrations


We’re celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE Day!

We’re helping our residents and colleagues celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day in lockdown with special activity packs. The anniversary of Victory in Europe Day on 8 May was set to be a significant occasion with the May bank holiday moved and large-scale events planned to commemorate the landmark. We’re working with the Royal British […]

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Countryside donate £25k to help support customers

A big thank you to Countryside who has very generously donated £25,000 to help us support customers who need it most during the pandemic. We can’t achieve our vision of building successful, vibrant communities by ourselves, which is why we work with a wide range of partners who share our values across all sectors. We’re proud of […]

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Open Kitchen


Jo is helping vital food service to soar

ADAPTABILITY is the name of the game in these challenging times, and Great Places’ colleagues are proving their flexibility to help the most vulnerable people in society. Our multi-skilled colleagues are finding new ways to help different Jo Hampshire, a Customer Engagement Specialist, is using her skills in a former career have helped Open Kitchen’s […]

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Support for vulnerable women


Great Places take vital role in helping vulnerable women

Great Places’ colleagues have stepped up to the mark to help support women fleeing domestic violence during the pandemic crisis. Anita Bob-Manuel and Benita Henderson, both Health and Wellbeing Assistants, have started work at a new facility supporting women fleeing domestic violence who have lost their accommodation now that shared provision across Manchester has been […]

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Display of food


Fill your fridge for less

Fill your fridge for less with these budget-friendly meal ideas Maintaining a healthy diet right now is more important than ever. Not only will fuelling your body with good food boost your immune system, but it will help to improve your overall mood. Of course, it’s all about balance, and you should treat yourself now […]

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Can you shed light on an East Lancashire mystery?

Great Places Housing Group is calling on the history buffs of Oswaldtwistle to help shed some light on a mystery. The social landlord is developing 53 new homes, a £7.4million investment, on Victoria Street and they came across a key stone as they were clearing the site in February. The stone reads: Laid by Mrs […]

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Design A Den


Supporting 4 – 11s design challenge

Supporting 4 – 11s design challenge in South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire Great Places is teaming up with a group of local businesses to partner on a design competition aimed at primary school children in the South Yorkshire and Peak District areas. The “˜Design-A-Den’ competition has been devised in partnership with architectural practice Peak Architects, […]

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Article by: Great Places

Stand Together and Recover (STAR) Case Study

Blackpool based mental health support service, Stand Together and Recover (STAR), is receiving expert advice from legal specialists Bevan Brittan, thanks to social value support offered as part of its involvement with Great Places’ Legal Services Procurement Framework. Bevan Brittan responded to STAR’s request for help in securing new premises as part of its plans […]

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Article by: Great Places

Charlie’s Story

Partnership and cross-organisational working is so important when it comes to tackling all aspects of homelessness. When Great Places met Charlie, through our Social Impact Bond outreach work his primary need was a home. He had a long history of failed tenancies, homelessness and going in and out of custody. His most recent accommodation was […]

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