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Managing your money

Learning to budget and manage your money can help you save money and stay on top of your bills, this is even more important with the rising cost of living. Below are some general tips to help you manage your money better.

For local support and information around Cost of Living, please check your local council website.

For more information on Government Cost of Living Help visit: Help for Households

Money Matters Team

Here at Great Places Housing Group, we offer support to customers in a variety of ways. One of those ways is to provide free and confidential advice to customers who are concerned about their finances.

If you are struggling to manage your money or would like advice about which welfare benefits you could be entitled to then you could benefit from the advice of our Money Matters team.

If you owe money to anyone and would like further advice then our Money Matters team might be able to assist.

Getting in touch

Accessing support from the Money Matters is simple and straightforward:

  • email the team: moneymatters@greatplaces.org.uk; or
  • speak to your Neighbourhood Services Manager and ask them to make a referral into the team on your behalf.

A member of the team will aim to contact you within 2 working days of receiving an email or a referral.

The team will either reply to your email or telephone you to make an appointment. If they cannot contact you on the telephone they will leave and message or send you a text or email advising you that they tried to get in touch.

What will happen once I am referred to the Money Matters team?

What will happen once I am referred to the Money Matters team?

Once the team have set up  an appointment with you they will take some time to ask you a few questions so that they can get an understanding of your current situation and your financial circumstances.

Where appropriate, the team will complete a financial statement with you to gain an understanding of the money you have coming in and the money you are paying out.

How can I get the best out of the support on offer?

How can I get the best out of the support on offer?

It is best to be open and honest about your current situation, this will help the team give you the best advice.

If you have any questions or concerns then you can ask the team member who will guide you through the process.

It is good to gather any relevant paperwork (e.g. bank statements, welfare benefit letters, etc)  for the first appointment so that the team member can fully understand your situation.

What can you expect from the Money Matters team?

What can you expect from the Money Matters team?

The Money Matters team will explain that we are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and our advice is free and confidential.

The team will review your financial circumstances with you and explain any important details that you need to be aware of. For instance, they will advise you about the difference between priority and non-priority debts.

The team member will aim to help you in the following ways:

  • Maximise your income. For instance, if you are missing out on any welfare benefits they will advise you about what else you could claim and how to claim it.
  • Guide you in how to challenge any incorrect welfare benefit decisions.
  • Explain changes to the welfare benefits system and how they might affect you.
  • Assist you in matters relating to utility and water debt.
  • Advise you about how to address problem debt and help you apply for grants or funds that you might benefit from.
  • Offer budgeting advice.
  • Refer you to any additional support and financial assistance you might be entitled to.
  • Apply for financial help from local authorities.

What happens once I have received the advice?

What happens once I have received the advice?

The Money Matters team will aim to ensure that you understand all the options available to you. Where possible, the team will coach you through these steps so that you can gain a better understanding and grow in confidence.

Sometimes you may need someone to act as an advocate and take steps on your behalf. If this is needed then the team will ask you to complete a Form of Authority so that they can contact other agencies, creditors, etc. The team will advise you about what they may or may not be able to do for you.

If a permanent designated advocate is required then the team will advise you about this and direct you to other help that is available locally.

Are there any examples of support you have provided to a customer?

Are there any examples of support you have provided to a customer?

A customer was referred to the Money Matters team by their Neighbourhood Services Manager (NSM). The NSM advised the team that the customer was struggling to pay their rent and their council tax. The customer was receiving State Pension but had been using personal savings to pay their rent.

The Money Matters team member visited the customer at their home because it was more beneficial to the customer. The team member went through a benefit calculation with the customer to see if they might be eligible for support. The benefit calculation revealed that the customer would be entitled to Pension Credit. This would mean they would also be able to claim Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support.

The team member completed the forms online for all of these welfare benefits during the home visit. Before the Money Matters team were involved the customer’s rent account was £329.64 in arrears. Once the welfare benefits had been awarded the customer’s rent account was in credit by £1,200, which meant the customer could benefit from a rent refund.

I would like support but want to talk to someone who is independent from my landlord, who can I turn to?

I would like support but want to talk to someone who is independent from my landlord, who can I turn to?

We understand that some customers would like to receive support from someone who does not work for Great Places Housing Group. There are several options available to you.

  • Citizens Advice – You can visit the Citizens Advice website to find help and advice online or to learn more about where you might be able to access local support. Citizens Advice will be able to offer you advice about your money and welfare benefits.
  • National Debtline – National Debtline is a registered charity that offers help and advice online and over the telephone. They have a wide range of factsheets that you can use for the purposes of managing your own money and addressing any topics you may be interested in. Furthermore, they also have letter templates that will be of benefit if you wish to act on your own.



How can I check what welfare benefits I might be entitled to?

How can I check what welfare benefits I might be entitled to?

If you want to find out what welfare benefits you might be entitled to then you can access free calculators online.

There are free welfare benefits calculators online that you can use to find out if you are missing out.

These websites will provide you with the relevant information so that you can then find out how to apply for any benefits you might be entitled to.

If you would like some advice about how to use these calculators the Money Matters team can provide you with help.


Budgeting involves keeping track of how much money you receive and how much you are spending.

It can help you prioritise important things and cut back on others. It also helps you plan for the future. A good budget plan can stop you from getting into debt.

Please visit MoneyHelper for more information on budgeting.

Moneyhelper website

Get a Bank Account

Access to a bank account is important, especially if you are on benefits. A bank account makes it much easier to manage your money. You’ll be able to spend money using a debit card instead of carrying cash around.

You can also set up Direct Debits so bills are paid automatically.

Money Advice Service website

Understanding debt

Dealing with money issues can be a stressful time. You are not alone in feeling this way. It is reported that over eight million people in the UK have experienced financial difficulties. We know that this can be tough to deal with and can leave you feeling overwhelmed. There are organisations that could help and support you.

As a starting point, please visit MoneyHelper for more information on how to deal with debt.

Stepchange Visit their website for online advice at www.stepchange.org/start, or call them on 0113 138 1111 Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat 8am-4pm.

National Debt Line Visit www.nationaldebtline.org or phone 0800 808 4000. The National Debtline contact centre is open Monday – Friday from 9am until 8pm, and Saturday 9.30am – 1pm.

Citizen’s Advice Citizens Advice, through their network of independent charities, offers confidential advice online, over the phone, and in person, for free. To find your local Citizens Advice please go their website at www.citizensadvice.org.uk

Welfare benefits

There are different types of benefits available to families and carers as well as disability benefits, tax credits, job seekers and low income benefits to name just a few.

Benefits on Gov.uk

Credit Unions

Need a loan? Credit Unions can be a good source of affordable and local lending. They also offer current accounts. You can usually apply for these, even if you have had money problems in the past.

If you would like to know more their services, contact our dedicated team by email: moneymatters@greatplaces.org.uk or search for a Credit Union in your area.

Discretionary Housing Payments

DHP is designed to provide tenants with additional financial help towards their housing costs. This means it can be paid in addition to any benefits, including any Housing Benefit/Universal Credit that the tenant receives.

DHP is given to cover rent liability and could include someone in a shared ownership property. It can also be given to cover other types of housing costs such as removals. contact your local council for information on how to apply

Find your local council

Household Support Fund

On 30 September 2021, the government announced that vulnerable households across the country will be able to access a new £500 million support fund to help them with essentials over the winter. This scheme has been extended and should primarily be given to household who need  help with food and energy bill costs – although it is at the local council’s discretion. It can be used to for help with housing costs if it is an emergency situation and other help (e.g. DHPs) cannot cover it. The support that’s available varies between councils, so you’ll need to check with your local council what help is available in the region you live in.

Find your local council

Foodbank Access

Are you or your family having to go without food? Are you cutting back on the essentials because you’re struggling to afford them? No one should have to go without the basics and we want to make sure our customers aren’t going hungry in these challenging times. Help is available.

Our Financial Resilience Team work with a range of partner organisations (across all our regions) that operate food banks or food pantries. These food banks or food pantries stock everyday essentials and your Neighbourhood Services Manager can refer you to a service if you need support. Please contact your Neighbourhood Services Manager to discuss what options may be available to you.

Council Tax Support

Council Tax Support is help for people who have little or no income and need financial assistance in order to meet their Council Tax liability. Those classed as pension age may be awarded a maximum of 100% discount from their Council Tax, dependent upon their circumstances. Contact your local council for support.

Find your local council

Low cost broadband

BT Home Essentials provides low cost broadband and phone plans for customers on certain welfare benefits

BT Home Essentials

Home Insurance

Great Places insure the structure of your home, but our cover doesn’t include what’s inside it.

As a Great Places customer, you can apply for home contents insurance from as little as £2.99 a fortnight

Get Contents Insurance

Energy support

If you are looking for support with your energy bills you can find further information on our website:

Water bills

United Utilities customers

You can apply for a grant to cover current charges and any arrears “” visit United Utilities Trust Fund.

United Utilities also run a scheme called WaterSure that gives help to customers who use large amounts of water for essential purposes.

Yorkshire Water customers

Yorkshire Water Community Trust helps customers who are in genuine need and/or arrears. Visit Yorkshirewater.com to see if you might be eligible for this support.

Severn Trent customers

Severn Trent could help you save money on your water bills. Find out more and check if you might be eligible for support.

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