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Rent and service charge FAQs

At Great Places we use government guidelines to set your rent each year. This means some of our customers may see an increase in their rent annually, and some may see a decrease. Any changes will be detailed in your tenancy or lease agreement. For more information on what your rent pays for please see below.

Some customers may pay a service charge or may be receiving services as part of the rent that they pay. Some of these services are eligible for Housing Benefit and some are ineligible, meaning Housing Benefit cannot cover these charges. For more information please see below.

Why is my rent increasing?

The rent you pay for your home will increase by 2.7%. We review our rents every year in line with Government guidance. To calculate the increase, we use the September 2024. Consumer Price Index plus 1%. We try to strike a balance between keeping rents affordable and making sure we can maintain the quality of our homes and neighbourhoods.

By how much are you increasing my rent and how have you calculated this?

Rent for most customers will increase by 2.7% in April in line with the September 2024 Consumer Price Index, which was 1.7% plus 1%. Some rents are set on different formulas depending on your tenancy agreement.

What is the Consumer Price Index?

This is a figure used to measure inflation. It reflects how much the price of common goods and services changes over time.

What does my rent pay for?

Rent is used to pay for repairs and improvements to customers’ homes: improving energy efficiency to help reduce the cost of your bills; improving ventilation to prevent issues caused by condensation; replacing old kitchens and bathrooms; and carrying out minor and major repairs. It also covers our staffing costs.

Will all rents go up?

Rent increases for homes with the lowest Energy Performance Certificate rating will be capped at 1.7% instead of 2.7%.

What do I do if I can’t afford the increase?

If you’re struggling to pay your charges, contact your Neighbourhood Services Manager or Independence and Wellbeing Worker or Plumlife Directory. We know that rising costs will be a significant challenge for many of our customers. We’ve put together some helpful advice and information on making sure you get the maximum amount of income you’re entitled to and the most out of your money. Find out what you could get at:

I am on Universal Credit; will I have to re-apply and will this mean weeks of delays in my rent being paid and accumulating rent arrears?

You don’t need to complete a brand-new claim with the Department for Work and Pensions. Once we write to inform you of the new rent, Universal Credit will prompt you in your journal via the Universal Credit Portal after Monday 7 April. You can press the prompt on the journal and then tell them of your new rent and service charge – this is the only time you need to respond about the new rent.

Once your journal is updated with your new entitlement, if you pay by direct debit you need to inform Great Places of the new applicable payment so we can amend this to cover your rent.

If we are not informed your direct debit may not be adjusted so you could fall into arrears.

What if I claim Housing Benefit?

If you receive Housing Benefit you need to tell your local council about the changes to your rent. Once you receive your new entitlement letter if you pay by direct debit you need to inform Great Places of the new applicable payment so we can amend this to cover your rent.

If we are not informed your direct debit may not be adjusted so you could fall into arrears.

What if Universal Credit doesn’t cover the rent increase?

The amount of Universal Credit you will receive will be based on your entitlement. If your Universal Credit allowance isn’t increased to cover the additional rent charge, get in touch with your Neighbourhood Services Manager or Independence and Wellbeing Worker to make arrangements to pay any shortfall. They can also direct you to a partner organisation that can help you budget for the increase.

Do I have to adjust my Direct Debit mandate with my bank?

Don’t worry, your Direct Debit will be adjusted automatically if you pay full rent and do not receive Housing Benefit or Universal Credit. After we write to you in February notifying you of your rent increase, we will adjust your Direct Debit and you will receive information from Allpay to confirm your new monthly payments. These will start from April 2025. If you have a repayment plan for rent arrears, we will add the additional amount to your monthly Direct Debit total. We will amend your new payments in line with the new charge.

Why will the first Direct Debit payment be more than the rest?

If you pay your rent by Direct Debit you’ll notice that your first payment is higher than the payment for the next month.

Your first Direct Debit payment will be the difference between the rent you used to pay and the rent you will pay from 7 April 2025.

If you’re in arrears your arrears payment is added on top of this payment.

Your next months payment will be lower as it will be based on the new rent for 7 April 2025 as well as the arrears if you have any.

What if I am in arrears?

We’re here to help. Get in touch with your Neighbourhood Services Manager, Property Manager in Plumlife or your Independence and Wellbeing Worker. They will discuss repayment options, support you to get your account back on track and advise on where to find additional support.

When will my rent increase?

You will receive information about your rent increase in February 2025. The new rent amount will then apply from 7 April 2025.

What is a service charge?

Some of our homes also include a service charge for the cost of services within shared, communal areas. Service charges are included in your total charge and cover services such as window cleaning, communal gardening, maintenance of lifts, communal heating and lighting or security.

How is my service charge increase set?

We review your service charges in line with our contracts and service costs, which are based on the actual amount we expect services to cost each year. So, we charge you less when prices go down, but you’ll see a higher charge when they increase.

What is Section 20?

You can find out more about Section 20 Fire servicing and Repairs here: