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Electrical Safety

Power cuts or meter issues (including hot/leaking meters)

If you experience a meter leak or a power cut, you should immediately do the following:

  • Call the local electricity network operator free on 105 or Check Online
  • Call Great Places on 0300 123 1966.

Your electricity network operator owns the cables which run up to your meter and are therefore responsible for any issues of faults therein.

Protecting yourself from electrical danger

Protect yourself, your neighbours and those you live with by following these simple steps:

  • Check that sockets, switches and light fittings are in good condition with no signs of damage such as cracking or burn marks
  • Don't attempt to use electrical appliances from overseas in the UK. Products manufactured for use in other countries may operate at a different voltage and frequency
  • Check that any electrical appliances provided by Great Places have up-to-date PAT (Portable Appliance Test) stickers on them
  • Check that the fuse box has RCD (Residual Current Device) protection. An RCD is a life-saving device that protects against electric shock and reduces the risk of electrical fires
  • Check that the wattage of light bulbs is not too high for the fitting
  • Check that fuses in plugs are of the correct rating

Take action to reduce the risk of electrical accidents and fires

  • Don't overload sockets, limit the use of extension leads and do not use plug-in adaptors
  • Don't attempt to use electrical appliances from overseas in the UK. Products manufactured for use in other countries may operate at a different voltage and frequency
  • Don't attempt any repairs to the electrical wiring or appliances yourself
  • Don't take mains-powered electrical products into the bathroom
  • Don't touch electrical appliances or switches with wet hands
  • Don't plug adaptors into adaptors, or extensions into adaptors/extensions
  • Do call Great Places immediately on 0300 123 1966 if you think there is a problem with your electrics

Electrical Safety

Great Places is legally responsible for your safety in relation to electrical fixed wiring in your home. By law, Great Places must:
  • Make sure your electrical systems are maintained in a safe condition
  • Carry out electrical safety checks on your electrical systems (in most cases every five years)
  • Have all installation, maintenance and safety checks completed by a registered electrical contractor.

Your responsibilities

We do not have responsibility to maintain or carry out safety checks for any appliances owned or installed by our tenants. As a tenant of Great Places, you have responsibility to allow access for any repairs and the safety checks to be completed.


Electrical safety check – Preparing for Your EICR Visit

An Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) assesses the safety of your home’s electrical systems. These mandatory inspections are conducted every five years or when tenancy changes, helping to identify and address any potential electrical issues.

The safety check not only confirms that any recent electrical work meets the UK national standards, but also that your home is safe.

Great Places will also modernise/upgrade parts of the system if required to further ensure safety with devices such as Residual Current Devices (RCDs), which are life-saving devices designed to prevent you from getting a fatal electric shock, as well as non-combustible boards.

Before the visit 

Before the visit

You’ll be notified in advance to prepare for the upcoming EICR inspection.

Please clear access to electrical panels, sockets, and switches for our engineers.

During the visit

During the visit

Our engineers will thoroughly test your home’s electrical systems. You can ask any questions to have to better understand the inspection process and findings.

After the visit

After the visit

You’ll receive a report detailing the inspection outcomes and any necessary actions.

If there are any issues that need additional work, we’ll arrange follow-up visits to ensure your electrical systems are up to standard.

Ensuring success

Ensuring success

To make the inspection go as smoothly and quickly as possible, follow all the tips and make sure you are available. If you are not going to be at home on the day of the inspection please let us know as soon as possible.

These inspections are vital for maintaining the electrical safety of your home and preventing potential hazards for you, your friends and family, and your neighbours.