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Nationally, the number one anti-social behaviour issue reported to landlords is Noise.

Noise issues can take many forms, which means there is more than one way to address these issues.

General living noise

Many day-to-day living noises are not generally considered to be anti-social behaviour, however, if a neighbour’s living noise continues to cause an issue, we may be able to work with those involved to provide support, advice and interventions that reduce the transfer or impact of noise.

These types of noise cases will be assessed and managed differently, as mostly the problem noise is not down to an individual doing anything wrong. This means the solution is more likely to be adjustments or property related interventions.

The type of noises often associated with general living noise are:

  • Vacuuming;
  • Walking around;
  • Doors or cupboards opening/closing;
  • General conversations;
  • Household appliances e.g. washing machines

Noise nuisance / anti-social behaviour

If you are experiencing persistent noise nuisance that is not general living noise and is related to the behaviour (knowingly or not) of your neighbour, there are some initial steps you can take to try and resolve the issue. For example, holding an open friendly conversation with your neighbour, as many issues can be resolved with a casual friendly chat. Your neighbour may simply not know that something is causing an issue.

People talking

What we may need you to do

You may be asked to keep a record of the noise including dates and times, which will help us or another agency step in when this is appropriate. You can download the Great Places Incident Diary here (PDF).

You may also be asked to use the Noise App, which is a free app that we can set you up on, designed to record the noise you are experiencing and allow us to identify the correct solutions more effectively. You will need to contact our Customer Hub to access our Noise App.

Contact us for Noise App
Making notes

What else do I need to know

When Great Places get involved in anti-social behaviour and noise cases, the first step will be to encourage all parties to take part in independent mediation.

We may also support you with contacting your local council’s Environmental Health Team. In most cases the council will expect you to contact them directly, rather than through us, but we can assist you with providing the right information to make this process as smooth as possible.

Other noise issues

Noise issues can also come from other sources such as roadworks, neighbouring businesses, industrial venues etc. These matters can be reported to your your local council.