This self-assessment form should be completed by the complaints officer and it must be reviewed and approved by the landlord’s governing body at least annually.
Once approved, landlords must publish the self-assessment as part of the annual complaints performance and service improvement report on their website. The governing body’s response to the report must be published alongside this.
Landlords are required to complete the self-assessment in full and support all statements with evidence, with additional commentary as necessary.
Great Places aims to be compliant with the Housing Ombudsman new code introduced in April 2024. Our self-assessment highlights our compliance and provides information mainly through our customer feedback policy and dedicated complaints webpages. Our complaint officer has completed the self-assessment with support from colleagues across Great Places.
Please see detailed below our compliance and evidence which includes our customer feedback policy and other published documents including our new Complaint and Service Improvement report which Board and Customer Committee have seen and approved.
Code provision | Code requirement | Comply: Yes/No |
Evidence | Commentary / explanation |
1.2 | A complaint must be defined as:
‘an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions or lack of action by the landlord, its own staff, or those acting on its behalf, affecting a resident or group of residents.’ |
Yes | Evidence can be found in the Customer Feedback policy under the ‘Complaint Definition’ section. | |
1.3 | A resident does not have to use the word ‘complaint’ for it to be treated as such.
Whenever a resident expresses dissatisfaction landlords must give them the choice to make complaint. A complaint that is submitted via a third party or representative must be handled in line with the landlord’s complaints policy. |
Yes | Evidence can be found in the Customer Feedback policy under the ‘Complaint Definition’ section | |
1.4 | Landlords must recognise the difference between a service request and a complaint. This must be set out in their complaints policy.
A service request is a request from a resident to the landlord requiring action to be taken to put something right. Service requests are not complaints, but must be recorded, monitored and reviewed regularly. |
Yes | Evidence can be found in the Customer Feedback policy under the ‘Service Request’ section.
Great Places is developing reporting to improve tracking of service requests. |
1.5 | A complaint must be raised when the resident expresses dissatisfaction with the response to their service request, even if the handling of the service request remains ongoing.
Landlords must not stop their efforts to address the service request if the resident complains. |
Yes | Evidence can be found under the ‘Exclusions’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
1.6 | An expression of dissatisfaction with services made through a survey is not defined as a complaint, though wherever possible, the person completing the survey should be made aware of how they can pursue a complaint if they wish to.
Where landlords ask for wider feedback about their services, they also must provide details of how residents can complain. |
Yes | Evidence can be found under the ‘Exclusions’ section of the Customer Feedback policy.
All customer survey’s now include this information and sign posting Please note: Survey responses will not be reviewed regularly. Please don’t tell us about any service request or complaint here as these will not be recorded. Please direct any request for service to our Customer Hub here: Please direct any complaints to our Customer feedback team here: |
Code provision | Code requirement | Comply: Yes/No |
Evidence | Commentary / explanation |
2.1 | Landlords must accept a complaint unless there is a valid reason not to do so.
If landlords decide not to accept a complaint they must be able to evidence their reasoning. Each complaint must be considered on its own merits |
Yes | Evidence can be found under the ‘Exclusions’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
2.2 | A complaints policy must set out the circumstances in which a matter will not be considered as a complaint or escalated, and these circumstances must be fair and reasonable to residents. Acceptable exclusions include:
Yes | Evidence can be found under the ‘Exclusions’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
2.3 | Landlords must accept complaints referred to them within 12 months of the issue occurring or the resident becoming aware of the issue, unless they are excluded on other grounds.
Landlords must consider whether to apply discretion to accept complaints made outside this time limit where there are good reasons to do so. |
Yes | Evidence can be found under the ‘Exclusions’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
2.4 | If a landlord decides not to accept a complaint, an explanation must be provided to the resident setting out the reasons why the matter is not suitable for the complaints process and the right to take that decision to the Ombudsman.
If the Ombudsman does not agree that the exclusion has been fairly applied, the Ombudsman may tell the landlord to take on the complaint. |
Yes | Evidence can be found under the ‘Exclusions’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
2.5 | Landlords must not take a blanket approach to excluding complaints; they must consider the individual circumstances of each complaint. | Yes | Evidence can be found under the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. |
Code provision | Code requirement | Comply: Yes/No |
Evidence | Commentary / explanation |
3.1 | Landlords must make it easy for residents to complain by providing different channels through which they can make a complaint.
Landlords must consider their duties under the Equality Act 2010 and anticipate the needs and reasonable adjustments of residents who may need to access the complaints process. |
Yes | Evidence can be found under the ‘Accessibility and Awareness and Reasonable Adjustments’ sections of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
3.2 | Residents must be able to raise their complaints in any way and with any member of staff.
All staff must be aware of the complaints process and be able to pass details of the complaint to the appropriate person within the landlord. |
Yes | Evidence can be found under the ‘Accessibility and Awareness’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
3.3 | High volumes of complaints must not be seen as a negative, as they can be indicative of a well-publicised and accessible complaints process.
Low complaint volumes are potentially a sign that residents are unable to complain. |
Yes | Evidence can be found under the ‘Policy Objective and Self-Assessment, reporting and Compliance’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
3.4 | Landlords must make their complaint policy available in a clear and accessible format for all residents.
This will detail the two stage process, what will happen at each stage, and the timeframes for responding. The policy must also be published on the landlord’s website. |
Yes | The policy and an associated digital animation is made available via the Great Places website.
Information about how customers can pass on feedback is detailed regularly in customer communications, on the Great Places customer portal and via the Great Places Chatbot function. |
3.5 | The policy must explain how the landlord will publicise details of the complaints policy, including information about the Ombudsman and this Code. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
3.6 | Landlords must give residents the opportunity to have a representative deal with their complaint on their behalf, and to be represented or accompanied at any meeting with the landlord. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the ‘Representatives’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
3.7 | Landlords must provide residents with information on their right to access the Ombudsman service and how the individual can engage with the Ombudsman about their complaint. | Yes | Customers are made aware of the Housing Ombudsman Service at all stages of the complaints process. Additionally, evidence of compliance can be found in the ‘Independent Resolution’ section of the Customer Feedback policy.
The Customer Feedback team also ensures that the Housing Ombudsman Service details are provided to customers in acknowledgment and response letters as well as in email auto signatures and out of office messages. |
Code provision | Code requirement | Comply: Yes/No |
Evidence | Commentary / explanation |
4.1 | Landlords must have a person or team assigned to take responsibility for complaint handling, including liaison with the Ombudsman and ensuring complaints are reported to the governing body (or equivalent).
This Code will refer to that person or team as the ‘complaints officer’. This role may be in addition to other duties. |
Yes | Evidence of compliance can be found in the ‘Complaint Handling Colleague’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
4.2 | The complaints officer must have access to staff at all levels to facilitate the prompt resolution of complaints.
They must also have the authority and autonomy to act to resolve disputes promptly and fairly. |
Yes | Customer Feedback (CF) colleagues have the autonomy and authority to resolve customer dissatisfaction satisfactorily by working collaboratively with colleagues across all service areas.
Customer Feedback colleagues use a number of resources to ensure complaints are investigated and responded to in-line with the Customer Feedback policy and the Complaint handling Code, this includes case reviews and investigation meetings. |
4.3 | Landlords are expected to prioritise complaint handling and a culture of learning from complaints.
All relevant staff must be suitably trained in the importance of complaint handling. It is important that complaints are seen as a core service and must be resourced to handle complaints effectively. |
Yes | Evidence can be found in the ‘Positive Culture’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. Great Places has developed an online bespoke training module that all colleagues undertake.
The CF team host monthly Space to Learn sessions for all colleagues. Service Directors now attend Executive leadership meetings to update on learning from HOS determinations. |
Code provision | Code requirement | Comply: Yes/No |
Evidence | Commentary / explanation |
5.1 | Landlords must have a single policy in place for dealing with complaints covered by this Code. Residents must not be treated differently if they complain. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
5.2 | The early and local resolution of issues between landlords and residents is key to effective complaint handling.
It is not appropriate to have extra named stages (such as ‘stage 0’ or ‘informal complaint’) as this causes unnecessary confusion. |
Yes | The Great Places Customer Feedback policy does not make reference to extra named complaint stages such as Stage Zero, or informal complaints.
Evidence can be found in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. |
5.3 | A process with more than two stages is not acceptable under any circumstances as this will make the complaint process unduly long and delay access to the Ombudsman. | Yes | The Great Places Customer Feedback policy adopts a two stage complaints process.
Evidence can be found in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. |
5.4 | Where a landlord’s complaint response is handled by a third party (e.g. a contractor or independent adjudicator) at any stage, it must form part of the two stage complaints process set out in this Code. | Yes |
The Great Places Customer Feedback policy does not involve any other complaint process for complaints being investigated or responded to by third parties.
Evidence can be found in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. |
5.5 | Landlords are responsible for ensuring that any third parties handle complaints in line with the Code. | Yes | Full training has been provided to colleagues and partners to ensure clarity around the complaints handling process. | |
5.6 | When a complaint is logged at Stage 1 or escalated to Stage 2, landlords must set out their understanding of the complaint and the outcomes the resident is seeking.
The Code will refer to this as “the complaint definition”. If any aspect of the complaint is unclear, the resident must be asked for clarification. |
Yes | Evidence can be found in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy.
The Great Places Customer Feedback Policy is shared with partners. |
5.7 | When a complaint is acknowledged at either stage, landlords must be clear which aspects of the complaint they are, and are not, responsible for and clarify any areas where this is not clear. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
5.8 | At each stage of the complaints process, complaint handlers must:
Yes | Evidence can be found in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
5.9 | Where a response to a complaint will fall outside the timescales set out in this Code, the landlord must agree with the resident suitable intervals for keeping them informed about their complaint. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
5.10 | Landlords must make reasonable adjustments for residents where appropriate under the Equality Act 2010.
Landlords must keep a record of any reasonable adjustments agreed, as well as a record of any disabilities a resident has disclosed. Any agreed reasonable adjustments must be kept under active review. |
Yes | Evidence can be found in the ‘Reasonable Adjustments’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
5.11 | Landlords must not refuse to escalate a complaint through all stages of the complaints procedure unless it has valid reasons to do so.
Landlords must clearly set out these reasons, and they must comply with the provisions set out in section 2 of this Code. |
Yes | Evidence can be found in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
5.12 | A full record must be kept of the complaint, and the outcomes at each stage.
This must include the original complaint and the date received, all correspondence with the resident, correspondence with other parties, and any relevant supporting documentation such as reports or surveys. |
Yes | All complaint cases are recorded within a complaint management programme within the Groups’ Housing Management system.
Cases logged are assigned a system generated complaint case reference number and all case related actions are recorded and prompted via the automated system. This ensures record keeping relating to cases are accurate and up to date as cases progress. Additionally, a secure case file is created within SharePoint for each complaint to ensure full case records are kept. Documents saved in these case files include and are not limited to the original complaint details, the acknowledgement correspondence, case investigation details including case review notes, chronology reports, formal customer complaint responses, survey/reports and compensatory/resolution details and agreements. |
5.13 | Landlords must have processes in place to ensure a complaint can be remedied at any stage of its complaints process.
Landlords must ensure appropriate remedies can be provided at any stage of the complaints process without the need for escalation. |
Yes | Evidence can be found in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
5.14 | Landlords must have policies and procedures in place for managing unacceptable behaviour from residents and/or their representatives.
Landlords must be able to evidence reasons for putting any restrictions in place and must keep restrictions under regular review. |
Yes | Evidence can be found in the ‘Unacceptable Behaviour’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
5.15 | Any restrictions placed on contact due to unacceptable behaviour must be proportionate and demonstrate regard for the provisions of the Equality Act 2010. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the ‘Unacceptable Behaviour’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. |
Code provision | Code requirement | Comply: Yes/No |
Evidence | Commentary / explanation |
6.1 | Landlords must have processes in place to consider which complaints can be responded to as early as possible, and which require further investigation.
Landlords must consider factors such as the complexity of the complaint and whether the resident is vulnerable or at risk. Most stage 1 complaints can be resolved promptly, and an explanation, apology or resolution provided to the resident. |
Yes | Evidence can be found in the Stage One complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
6.2 | Complaints must be acknowledged, defined and logged at stage 1 of the complaints procedure within five working days of the complaint being received. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the Stage One complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
6.3 | Landlords must issue a full response to stage 1 complaints within 10 working days of the complaint being acknowledged. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the Stage One complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
6.4 | Landlords must decide whether an extension to this timescale is needed when considering the complexity of the complaint and then inform the resident of the expected timescale for response.
Any extension must be no more than 10 working days without good reason, and the reason(s) must be clearly explained to the resident. |
Yes |
Evidence can be found in the Stage One complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. |
6.5 | When an organisation informs a resident about an extension to these timescales, they must be provided with the contact details of the Ombudsman. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the Stage One complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
6.6 | A complaint response must be provided to the resident when the answer to the complaint is known, not when the outstanding actions required to address the issue are completed. Outstanding actions must still be tracked and actioned promptly with appropriate updates provided to the resident. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the Stage One complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
6.7 | Landlords must address all points raised in the complaint definition and provide clear reasons for any decisions, referencing the relevant policy, law and good practice where appropriate. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the Stage One complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
6.8 | Where residents raise additional complaints during the investigation, these must be incorporated into the stage 1 response if they are related and the stage 1 response has not been issued.
Where the stage 1 response has been issued, the new issues are unrelated to the issues already being investigated or it would unreasonably delay the response, the new issues must be logged as a new complaint. |
Yes | Evidence can be found in the Stage One complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
6.9 | Landlords must confirm the following in writing to the resident at the completion of stage 1 in clear, plain language:
Yes | Evidence can be found in the Stage One complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy.
Can provide examples of our responses to demonstrate compliance. |
Code provision | Code requirement | Comply: Yes/No |
Evidence | Commentary / explanation |
6.10 | If all or part of the complaint is not resolved to the resident’s satisfaction at stage 1, it must be progressed to stage 2 of the landlord’s procedure. Stage 2 is the landlord’s final response. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the Stage Two complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
6.11 | Requests for stage 2 must be acknowledged, defined and logged at stage 2 of the complaints procedure within five working days of the escalation request being received. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the Stage Two complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
6.12 | Residents must not be required to explain their reasons for requesting a stage 2 consideration. Landlords are expected to make reasonable efforts to understand why a resident remains unhappy as part of its stage 2 response. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the Stage Two complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
6.13 | The person considering the complaint at stage 2 must not be the same person that considered the complaint at stage 1. | Yes |
Evidence can be found in the Stage Two complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. |
6.14 | Landlords must issue a final response to the stage 2 withing 20 working days of the complaint being acknowledged. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the Stage Two complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
6.15 | Landlords must decide whether an extension to this timescale is needed when considering the complexity of the complaint and then inform the resident of the expected timescale for response.
Any extension must be no more than 20 working days without good reason, and the reason(s) must be clearly explained to the resident. |
Yes | Evidence can be found in the Stage Two complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
6.16 | When an organisation informs a resident about an extension to these timescales, they must be provided with the contact details of the Ombudsman. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the Stage Two complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
6.17 | A complaint response must be provided to the resident when the answer to the complaint is known, not when the outstanding actions required to address the issue are completed. Outstanding actions must still be tracked and actioned promptly with appropriate updates provided to the resident. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the Stage Two complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
6.18 | Landlords must address all points raised in the complaint definition and provide clear reasons for any decisions, referencing the relevant policy, law and good practice where appropriate. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the Stage Two complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy.
Can provide examples of our responses to demonstrate compliance. |
6.19 | Landlords must confirm the following in writing to the resident at the completion of stage 2 in clear, plain language:
. |
Yes | Evidence can be found in the Stage Two complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy.
Can provide examples of our stage 2 responses to demonstrate compliance. |
6.20 | Stage 2 is the landlord’s final response and must involve all suitable staff members needed to issue such a response. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the Stage Two complaint details in the ‘Complaint Handling Process’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. |
Code provision | Code requirement | Comply: Yes/No |
Evidence | Commentary / explanation |
7.1 | Where something has gone wrong a landlord must acknowledge this and set out the actions it has already taken, or intends to take, to put things right. These can include:
Yes | Evidence can be found in the Customer Feedback policy under the ‘Putting Things Right’ section. | |
7.2 | Any remedy offered must reflect the impact on the resident as a result of any fault identified. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the Customer Feedback policy under the ‘Putting Things Right’ section. | |
7.3 | The remedy offer must clearly set out what will happen and by when, in agreement with the resident where appropriate. Any remedy proposed must be followed through to completion. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the Customer Feedback policy under the ‘Putting Things Right’ section. | |
7.4 | Landlords must take account of the guidance issued by the Ombudsman when deciding on appropriate remedies. | Yes | Evidence can be found in the Customer Feedback policy under the ‘Putting Things Right’ section. |
Code provision | Code requirement | Comply: Yes/No |
Evidence | Commentary / explanation |
8.1 | Landlords must produce an annual complaints performance and service improvement report for scrutiny and challenge, which must include:
Yes |
Evidence can be located in the ‘Self-Assessment, Reporting and Compliance’ section of the Customer Feedback policy.
Performance reported in Customer Experience dashboard report May 24. |
8.2 | The annual complaints performance and service improvement report must be reported to the landlord’s governing body (or equivalent) and published on the on the section of its website relating to complaints. The governing body’s response to the report must be published alongside this. | Yes | Evidence can be located in the ‘Self-Assessment, Reporting and Compliance’ section of the Customer Feedback policy.
Performance reported in Customer Experience dashboard report May 24. |
8.3 | Landlords must also carry out a self-assessment following a significant restructure, merger and/or change in procedures. | Yes | Great Places will ensure we comply with the HOS code. | |
8.4 | Landlords may be asked to review and update the self-assessment following an Ombudsman investigation. | Yes | Evidence can be located in the ‘Self-Assessment, Reporting and Compliance’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
8.5 | If a landlord is unable to comply with the Code due to exceptional circumstances, such as a cyber incident, they must inform the Ombudsman, provide information to residents who may be affected, and publish this on their website
Landlords must provide a timescale for returning to compliance with the Code. |
Yes | Evidence can be located in the ‘Self-Assessment, Reporting and Compliance’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. |
Code provision | Code requirement | Comply: Yes/No |
Evidence | Commentary / explanation |
9.1 | Landlords must look beyond the circumstances of the individual complaint and consider whether service improvements can be made as a result of any learning from the complaint. | Yes | Evidence can be located in the ‘Self-Assessment, Reporting and Compliance’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
9.2 | A positive complaint handling culture is integral to the effectiveness with which landlords resolve disputes. Landlords must use complaints as a source of intelligence to identify issues and introduce positive changes in service delivery. | Yes | Evidence can be located in the ‘Self-Assessment, Reporting and Compliance’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
9.3 | Accountability and transparency are also integral to a positive complaint handling culture. Landlords must report back on wider learning and improvements from complaints to stakeholders, such as residents’ panels, staff and relevant committees. | Yes |
Evidence can be located in the ‘Self-Assessment, Reporting and Compliance’ section of the Customer Feedback policy.
Great Places has recently recruited members to the customer complaints group who the CF team will be working with over the next 12 months. |
9.4 | Landlords must appoint a suitably senior lead person as accountable for their complaint handling. This person must assess any themes or trends to identify potential systemic issues, serious risks, or policies and procedures that require revision. | Yes |
Evidence can be located in the ‘Self-Assessment, Reporting and Compliance’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. |
9.5 | In addition to this a member of the governing body (or equivalent) must be appointed to have lead responsibility for complaints to support a positive complaint handling culture. This person is referred to as the Member Responsible for Complaints (‘the MRC’). | Yes |
Evidence can be located in the ‘Self-Assessment, Reporting and Compliance’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. |
9.6 | The MRC will be responsible for ensuring the governing body receives regular information on complaints that provides insight on the landlord’s complaint handling performance. This person must have access to suitable information and staff to perform this role and report on their findings. | Yes | Evidence can be located in the ‘Self-Assessment, Reporting and Compliance’ section of the Customer Feedback policy. | |
9.7 | As a minimum, the MRC and the governing body (or equivalent) must receive:
Yes | Evidence can be located in the ‘Self-Assessment, Reporting and Compliance’ section of the Customer Feedback policy.
Performance reported in Customer Experience dashboard May 24. |
9.8 | Landlords must have a standard objective in relation to complaint handling for all relevant employees or third parties that reflects the need to:
Yes | Colleagues across the Group have been set a standard objective around complaints handling. Complaint information, outcomes are regularly shared with leaders and colleagues.
Managers discuss complaint cases at one to one and team meetings. All HOS cases have a case review with colleagues and the service Director. Learning is shared with colleagues and projects across the business with the aim of embedding service improvements from complaints. |