This policy explains how our repairs service works, and sets out our responsibility to keep our customers’ homes in good repair.
The policy also describes how we will provide our customers (where we have repair obligations) with a high-quality customer experience and tailor our support to their individual needs. We want customers to feel safe, listened to, and for them to live in good quality homes.
A responsive repair is day-to-day maintenance work following a request from a customer and can include internal works, external works, or repairs to communal areas. This work maintains our homes to a good standard, until the next set of planned investment works.
So, for example, it might be a repair to a kitchen drawer (responsive) rather than the replacement of a whole kitchen (planned).
We have responsibility for the majority of repairs we undertake in our rented homes, but our customers also have a responsibility to look after our properties. Tenancy agreements and leases explain to customers who is responsible for which parts of home maintenance. Some customers may have an enhanced service based on their needs, this support will be explained in their agreement and will include how to contact us.
Early identification and reporting of repairs, supports the longevity of our properties and reduces the impact on customers. It is a cost effective way to prevent the impact of building defects.
We will always look to complete a repair rather than a full replacement as these works will usually be included in future planned investment programmes.
This policy includes responsive repairs for all our owned or managed homes. The service is delivered using a combination of Great Places colleagues and external contracts for:
For shared ownership and leasehold properties, where the lease says that we have responsibility for the fabric of the building or communal areas, we will work with homeowners to address any repairs, with the costs being met through the service charge for the building.
For leaseholders and shared owners, service provision and response times may vary, depending on the individual terms of their ownership agreement. Similarly, new homes less than 12 months old may have different contracts affecting repair response times.
In line with the guidelines set by the Regulator of Social Housing:
There are lots of ways customers can report a repair:
We will:
We monitor our repairs service performance in three areas:
Emergency repairs include:
These are examples and not a list of every case.
We will aim to carry out works to make emergencies safe within 24 hours of the customer contact.
Sometimes other repairs and additional appointments may be needed to complete the job. If this is the case we will arrange this with the customer as soon as possible, at a time to suit them. In exceptional circumstances, such as during bad weather, we may need to lengthen the time for emergency repairs. We will tell customers if this is the case.
The majority of other repairs are classed as routine and will be attended within 20 working days.
Routine repairs include:
These are examples and not a list of every case. We will consider the impact of this approach on individual customers’ needs and adjust our approach when necessary.
In a small number of cases following the initial routine or emergency repair appointment we may identify that more extensive remedial work is needed to resolve a property related issue. This may include replacing rather than repairing some major components or carrying out significant remedial works potentially including structural works. In these instances a responsive repair becomes a major repair.
We would then arrange an appointment with the customer to do an inspection, agree the full scope of works and update the customer on the estimated timescales and next steps.
Depending on the issue we may need to carry the workout at the earliest opportunity or where possible, include the repair/replacement at a later date, with other scheduled planned investment works. We will tell the customer the timescales involved.
In exceptional circumstances we may need to arrange to move customers to an alternative accommodation to minimise disruption and for their safety.
Emergency repairs can be reported 24 hours a day, 365 days a year directly by telephone.
If an emergency repair is reported outside of our normal working hours or during bank holidays this will be registered by our third party out of hours provider who will assign the works to the relevant contractor or inhouse operative.
Where the emergency is related to a major incident, we have a clear escalation process and business continuity plan which will be mobilised in this event.
In an emergency, where there is a Health and Safety issue or there’s likely to be considerable damage to the property we may gain access in line with our Access Policy.
If the repair is not an emergency, we will arrange an appointment, at a time that suits the customer and meets their individual needs. We offer full day, morning, or afternoon time slots and can take the school run into account.
We will confirm the customers appointment time by text message, with a further confirmation sent the day before we are due to attend. We will send a final confirmation text message on the day and telephone the customer to let them know we are on our way.
If the customer is not at home when we attend, we will try to reach them by phone and text. We will try other numbers on our records and will only contact a third party if we have permission to speak to someone other than the customer named on the tenancy. If we are still unable to reach the customer, we will leave a card asking them to contact us or the contractor. If we do not hear from them, we will cancel the repair, but continue with the works when we are contacted.
Our service will be measured against the timeframes above. We report performance to our Executive team and our Board.
We measure:
Customers are at the heart of our services. We analyse complaints received, their outcome and proposed changes as part of our reporting and planning process. We share feedback with our service managers to ensure we learn from cases. Our Customer Feedback team produce regular reports shared with managers, senior management, directors, formally involved customers, and our Executive team and Board.
Reports highlight themes and trends which allow senior management to review and identify any systemic issues, serious risks or areas for organisational improvement. Annual reporting to Board includes the Housing Ombudsman’s annual Landlord performance report. We tell our customers how they have influenced change to policy and improvements to services by publishing findings from complaints on our website, in customer communications and annually in our Annual Report.
As a major expense for the organisation we manage our commitment to providing value for money in a range of ways including;
The repairs policy is linked to a number of other property related policies and guidance.
We understand that damp, mould and condensation could create a potential hazard for our customers and we treat these instances as a priority.
We follow a separate damp, mould and condensation policy and process to make sure we take the correct action and responsive repairs to address damp, mould and condensation, in a timely manner to protect the safety of our customers.
Our approach to damp, mould and condensation may include emergency, routine and/or major repair works and full details of our approach are outlined in the damp, mould and condensation policy.
We provide detailed guidance, advice and support to help customers manage condensation in their homes to avoid damp and mould occurring. We also refer our customers to other organisations for additional support, if we feel this is appropriate and would benefit customers.
We will work with organisations to provide an adaptations service that meets customers’ needs and changing circumstances. Major and minor adaptation works will be carried out in line with the our Adaptations Policy
Minor adaptations such as grab rails and banister stair rails will be reported to repairs using our normal channels and managed by the repairs service with no occupational therapy assessment needed.
Details of our approach can be found in our Aids and Adaptations policy.
Customers are responsible for decorating inside the property and keeping it in good order. Some repairs may affect the decoration of the home. If this happens the area will be made good following the repair.
This does not apply to access panels, hatches, or ducting covered with wallpaper, tiles, carpet, wood, laminate or other finishes. In these circumstances customers will be advised before work is started.
If a customer wants to make changes or improvements to the property they must get our written permission. We will only say no if we have good reason to do so. If we refuse permission, we will tell you why in writing.
If we grant permission, we may ask that the work is done in a certain way, or to a standard, or apply other reasonable conditions.
All works must be carried out to our satisfaction
We have property and public liability insurance for properties we are responsible for. In the event of a major incident e.g. a fire or flood, our insurance will cover damage to the structure of the building and resulting repairs. It will not cover damage to contents.
Contents insurance is the responsibility of the customer. It is strongly recommended that customers take out suitable cover to protect their personal belongings.
The Director of Repairs is responsible for this policy. Our in house repairs service will be supported by a number of partners who will help us deliver this policy. These include repairs, specialist repairs, damp proof works, major structural issues and drainage work, and also to provide support in times of increased demand.
We are committed to making sure our services are open and clear to everyone. We will support customers to use our services in a way that is tailored to them.
We will repair and maintain homes in line with the following legislation:
Details of laws and regulations can be found on the Government’s website.
External Structures |
Drains, gutters and external pipes (except where the drains are the responsibility of the water authority, when we will report the defects to that authority) | Great Places responsibility |
The roof, covering, tiles, facias, soffits and gutters. | Great Places responsibility |
Outside walls, outside doors, windowsills, window catches, sash and window frames (including painting and decorating outside). | Great Places responsibility |
Chimneys, chimney stacks and flues but not including sweeping them except (if necessary) for the annual service by us. | Great Places responsibility |
Balconies, walkways, hallways, steps or other means of access, including disabled access which we have provided or for which we have accepted responsibility. | Great Places responsibility |
External and internal plaster work where full skim coats are required. | Great Places responsibility |
Garages, carports, outbuildings and stores that form part of the home. (if they exist at the start of the tenancy or are later erected by us) | Great Places responsibility |
Boundary walls, gates and fences, if they exist at the start of the tenancy or are later erected by us. | Great Places responsibility |
Pathways, steps and other means of access owned by us. | Great Places responsibility |
Maintenance of gardens and landscaped areas where they are provided for exclusive use by one household. | Customer responsibility |
Garden timber sheds (unless noted specifically on the tenancy). | Customer responsibility |
Decorative paving, patios and hard landscaping that was fitted at previous tenancy. | Customer responsibility |
Storage and placement for collection by the Local Authority of all domestic refuse. | Customer responsibility |
The erection/removal and making good after the installation of satellite dishes. | Customer responsibility |
The repair or replacement of clothes lines, including posts, where they are provided for exclusive use by one household | Customer responsibility |
Repair or replacement of refuse bins or bin holders. | Customer responsibility |
Taking and recording of utility meter readings e.g. gas, electric, water. | Customer responsibility |
Repairs to equipment in common parts. | Great Places responsibility |
Internal Structures |
Repairing and maintaining any equipment we have provided for heating, hot water and sanitation including basins, sinks, baths, toilets, flushing systems and waste pipes. | Great Places responsibility |
Electric wiring including sockets, light fittings and switches; but excluding plugs, bulbs, fluorescent tubes and starters. | Great Places responsibility |
Water heaters, fireplaces, fitted fires and central-heating systems (if they are fitted by us) and gas pipes. | Great Places responsibility |
Internal door handles. | Customer responsibility |
Plug and chains to sink, bath, wash hand basin. | Customer responsibility |
Curtain battens, hat and coat hooks and rails. | Customer responsibility |
Internal cupboards door catches, handles and hinges. | Customer responsibility |
Electrical faults arising from the use of faulty appliances. | Customer responsibility |
Minor plaster cracks and internal decorations. | Customer responsibility |
Any appliance (other than gas flued appliances), structure or installation which was not supplied by us. | Customer responsibility |
Electrical plugs (not socket outlets), fuses, flexible gas tubes, light bulbs and external lights customers have fitted. | Customer responsibility |
Internal decorations and all soft furnishings provided by our customers including all flooring e.g. carpets, laminated flooring etc. This includes the removal to a recognised tip of all unwanted items. – All white goods e.g. cookers, fridges, washing machines provided by customers. | Customer responsibility |
Replacement of door keys (both interior and exterior doors). | Customer responsibility |
Replacement of broken or cracked glass if caused by tenant damage (e.g. in an accident). | Customer responsibility |
Renewal of fluorescent strip light tubes and starters. | Customer responsibility |
Toilet seats. | Customer responsibility |
Minimising the cause of airborne condensation. | Customer responsibility |
TV or radio aerials installed by customers and the repair to damage caused in their erection or removal. | Customer responsibility |
Cleansing of sink, baths, wash hand basin and lavatory, basin wash pipes. Flexible pipe / hose connections for washing machines. | Customer responsibility |
Battery powered door bells and door security chains installed by customers. | Customer responsibility |