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Great Places Customer Committee

The Customer Committee is a new standing committee of Great Places’ Board, which will add value by providing lived experience and expertise directly from customers. The Committee provides an important link between the Board and customers, who can hold Great Places to account on all customer-related matters. It will make sure that service updates and improvements for customers are delivered effectively with customer feedback in mind.

Patrick Ricketts


Patrick has a wealth of business experience with more than 26 years at Berendsen, spending 9 years as Regional Director and was a Director at Jewson. He is passionate about supporting organisations with their strategy for sustainable business growth, people and team development and their well-being. He is Non-Executive Director at Ubico Ltd and a Trustee at Forward Education Trust.

He has strong strategic, planning, operations, and commercial skills in the UK markets in B2B and B2C, including the public sector, and has extensive experience in leading account management, strategy for multi-million-pound contracts and delivering service excellence.

Nicki Clegg

NED Member of the Customer Committee

Nicki has over twenty years’ experience creating and executing data-driven, customer-focused technology and data strategies, and has worked across private and public sector in multiple industries. She was Chief Technology Officer at Irwin Mitchell (legal and financial services) for almost 5 years, and prior to that Head of IS Strategy and Digital Services at Electricity North West, and lead technology strategist at the British Library. Nicki has a passion for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and in 2023 switched her career to focus on delivering at scale social mobility. She currently works for STEM Learning UK and the National Centre for Computing Education where she helps hundreds of businesses each year introduce schools engagement programmes to support better outcomes for young people across the UK.

Naomi Davey

Customer Committee Member

Naomi has been a Plumlife/Great Places customer for almost 5 years and is currently living in New Islington, near to Manchester City Centre.

Naomi works as a Communications and Engagement Manager, and her passion lies in connecting with people through creative activities and delivering engaging experiences.

Outside of work, you can find her delving into a good book, practicing meditation, and travelling abroad to new destinations.

She is keen to expand her knowledge of the housing sector and is looking forward to drawing from her own upbringing in various housing environments to support the Customer Committee.  Whether it’s tackling the challenges of the cost of living crisis or championing initiatives like Anchor Neighbourhoods, Naomi is ready to support the Committee and make a difference to the lives of Great Places customers.

Naomi Davey

Kimberley Borsay

Customer Committee Member

Kimberley has been a resident of Great Places for 6 years and lives in Bolton, Greater Manchester with her 4 children.

She currently works part-time caring for a local lady with a degenerative lung condition. Her past career has been Customer Service focussed in Education, local authority and the not-for-profit sectors. She is also a competent administrator specifically in accounting.

Kimberley’s spare time is mostly spent with her children outdoors. She is a keen singer/songwriter and enjoys keeping fit and healthy.

Her hope is to help find solutions to better relations between both tenants and employees of Great Places and she promises to use her wealth of customer service experience, alongside her lived experience of mental health, physical disabilities, domestic abuse, racism, financial difficulties, parenting and more to hopefully offer compassion and understanding to be a voice for those that need one.

Kimberley Borsay

Ali Mirzaee

Customer Committee Member

Ali and his wife have been living in Sheffield since 2021, enjoying their home as housing association tenants. Ali works as a freelance interpreter, helping people communicate effectively.

Outside of work, Ali loves walking and hiking, especially in the beautiful Peak District. He’s a football enthusiast and enjoys watching matches. Ali is a friendly and social person who likes meeting new people and learning from their experiences.

Living in Sheffield, Ali brings a mix of professional skills, a love for outdoor activities, and a friendly attitude to his community.

Ali Mirzaee

Siobhan Prince

Customer Committee Member

Siobhan is a Plumlife customer since her relocation to the Manchester area. She is passionate about housing and the property sector and is excited to contribute her skills and knowledge to improve the customer service experience.

Fun fact: When Siobhan isn’t working hard you can find her ‘trying’ to play tennis.

Siobhan Prince

Samantha Jones

Customer Committee Member

Sam has been a resident of Great Places for 13 years and lives in Bolton, Greater Manchester.

She currently works full-time at Bolton College as the Coordinator of The Progression Service. Her role involves ensuring that young adults with Special Educational Needs experience a smooth and supported transition into and out of further education. She has previously been a lecturer of psychology within further education.

Sam enjoys spending her free time with friends and family and going on long walks with her dog, Queenie.

Her work in transitions and her own experience of transitioning through several different levels of supportive tenancies has given her a keen insight into the importance of tenants being provided with the right property, with the right level of support, at the right time.

Samantha Jones

Responsibilities of Customer Committee members

The Customer Committee is responsible for contributing to the success of Great Places Housing Group. The overall responsibilities/behaviours we expect of Committee Members are as follows:

  1. Maintain and promote the values, core policies, objectives and performance of Great Places, including its commitment to equality and diversity.
  2. Operate within the Terms of Reference of the Committee(s) of which you are a member.
  3. To work positively to deliver the objectives of Great Places, with a genuine commitment to providing good quality homes and services and equal opportunities.
  4. Be a member of other working or task and finish groups, if requested.
  5. Contribute to and share responsibility for decisions of the Committee.
  6. Work with other Committee members effectively and respect the views of others.
  7. Attend all meetings of the Committee and contribute through positive engagement and constructive challenge. Apologies must be given in advance if you are unable to attend.
  8. Prepare for all meetings, reading papers before all meetings that you are required to attend and attempting to resolve any queries you have, prior to the meeting, with the authors of the papers.
  9. Attend induction, training and performance review sessions and other related events as required by Great Places.
  10. Respect confidentiality of information. Be prepared to raise issues with the appropriate people, following the appropriate process, if you have concerns the organisation is not being managed to the required standards with the required level of integrity, or if you have evidence of wrongdoing by any board/committee member, including yourself, or any employee. This must be raised with the Committee Chair in the first instance.
  11. Declare any relevant interests – register all interests that might have a relevance to the work of Great Places and declare any potential or actual conflicts of interest as and when they arise.
  12. Act within the Great Places Rules and represent the organisation in a positive way to promote the business of the Group.
  13. At all times, conduct yourself in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Great Places’ Board/Committee members and observe our Probity Policy.
  14. Raise any concerns you have about Great Places’ affairs with the Chief Executive, the Chair, or the Vice Chair, or use the appropriate policy e.g. Speak Up (Whistleblowing) if required.