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Our vision is clear…

…and our values are strong

‘We’re a values-led business with customers at our heart.’

Great Homes, Great Communities, Great People. We are fair, we care, we appreciate, we partner, we innovate

Our vision is clear, our values are strong.
To deliver our ambitions, first and foremost we need to be…

1. Great for customer 2. Great for our homes and communities 3. Great for our business

We’ve therefore focused this corporate plan around these three key themes.

We understand that our customer profile is changing. Driven by population changes, the cost of living crisis and, in some cases, years of austerity, our customers are increasingly diverse and have greater expectations of us.

We will measure success through a series of outcome-focused measures. Some are Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) and TSM Management measures; some are our own Signals For Success, which are key indicators of the overall health and performance of our business; and others are measures specifically designed to track the outcomes we are targeting through our Corporate Plan.

‘The services that Great Places delivers will need to adapt and evolve to meet
increasingly varied needs.’