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Theme 3: Great for our business

What we want to achieve

Our ambitions for great customer services, great
homes and great communities must be underpinned by a well-run business.

We’ll maintain our financial strength by focusing on operating as efficiently as possible, making the best use of resources and delivering services that add the most value to our customers.

Our ‘profit for purpose’ model means we take a commercial approach to running our business.

We use the savings we make, and harness the power of our commercial activity delivered through Cube and Plumlife, to ensure we are able to invest in our homes and communities, build new homes and provide value-added support to enable our customers to live well.

None of what we do is possible without colleagues that are engaged, skilled and motivated to deliver a great service.

In line with our Great People vision, we’ll continue to invest in our colleagues to ensure they have the skills, equipment and mindset needed to do a great job.

We’ll invest in our technology and in improving our data so we set our colleagues up for success and continue to attract and retain the best people to work for us.

We’ll work closely with our contractor partners to make sure the services they deliver on our behalf consistently support our ambition to deliver great services every time.

What we’ll do

Focus on delivering value for money

Focus on delivering value for money
Ensuring we can continue to reinvest money back into our communities, services for our customers and in new homes to do our bit to tackle the housing crisis.

Provide a fantastic colleague experience, inclusive workplaces and opportunities

Provide a fantastic colleague experience, inclusive workplaces and opportunities
Doing this will allow us to recruit and retain the best people to make this plan a reality. We understand the power of diversity of thought and experience and we’ll make sure our recruitment processes attract a broad range of talent so that our colleague base reflects the diversity of the communities that we serve.

Invest heavily in skills development

Invest heavily in skills development
Ensuring our people have the right skills for the job, have a mindset that aligns with our social purpose and have the opportunity to progress, so we develop the next generation of Great Places talent.

Invest in smart technology and innovation

Invest in smart technology and innovation
Enabling our customers to benefit from excellent services, to make it easier for colleagues to be effective and to drive efficiency in the way we manage our homes.

Invest in our strategic use of data

Invest in our strategic use of data
Driving better insights to allow us to personalise delivery, be more proactive in identifying and addressing concerns before they become a problem and continuously improve what we do.

How we’ll do it

  • Undertaking ‘root and branch’ reviews of our services to understand the value they provide to customers and our business and identify where we can make changes.
  • Enhancing our professional development offer to colleagues by establishing our approach to meet the requirements of the Competency and Conduct Standard and extending our Raise the Roof Leadership Programme.
  • Investing heavily in our Growing Greatness graduate and apprentice programme, targeting diverse candidates so we can maximise opportunities to grow the next generation of talented colleagues. We’ll extend our work with schools and colleges to promote housing as a career of choice and build interest in Growing Greatness.
  • Continuing to engage in the Greater Manchester Boost Programme and use what we learn to develop our approaches to recruitment, retention and colleague development so we’re able to attract and retain the best diverse talent.
  • Continuing our work to make sure our technology platforms meet the needs of our colleagues by replacing outdated software, introducing greater automation and developing existing systems to continually improve. We’ll replace our telephony and contact centre system with a new omnichannel solution so we can offer a better service to customers. We’ll develop a digital strategy to create a roadmap for our use of smart technology that will establish the foundations for our proactive service delivery ambitions.
  • Establishing a data governance framework to ensure we have accurate data available to enable better service delivery and decision making that will power our digital ambitions.
  • Establishing a business process management approach to embed consistency and quality in our processes.
  • Embedding the work of our newly established Customer Committee to strengthen the influence of customers in determining how Great Places operates.

We’re putting the building blocks in place for a solid future!

How we’ll measure success

The outcomes we will monitor are:

  • Operating surplus
  • Money invested from commercial activity into our profit-for-purpose work

We will also monitor these key enablers of corporate success:

  • % engaged colleagues (our internal Signal For Success (SFS) score
  • % colleagues on an early career development programme
  • % colleagues satisfied with opportunities for learning and development
  • % leadership roles filled by someone with diverse heritage
  • Colleague Agreement Score: “I have the systems, tools and ways of working needed to do my job”
  • % accurate data (our internal Signal For Success (SFS) score)