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Corporate Plan 2024-27

Our three-year plan

This plan sets out our ambition for the next three years. We’ll build on the successes of Building Greatness, our previous corporate plan to respond to a changing context and new challenges.

We’ve listened to our customers, colleagues and partners

Thank you to everyone that has contributed to the development of this plan.

We are grateful to over 700 of our customers that completed surveys at events, online and over the phone to make clear their expectations of us and what matters most to them. Thanks in particular to our Insight Customer Scrutiny Group who worked closely with us to help shape this plan.

We appreciate the input of the hundreds of Great Places colleagues who provided their feedback at their away days, at our One Voice Committee and at our Leaders’ and Managers’ event.

We value the responses of our many partners and stakeholders who took the time to contribute their views through our stakeholder survey. Achieving an impact as a partner of choice for the ultimate benefit of our customers is important to us, so we welcome feedback on how we can work to strengthen our approach.

Our Board and Senior Leadership team have considered all the feedback gathered and have worked together to produce a plan that sets out the right things to make a positive impact. We believe this plan presents a clear roadmap for an exciting future for Great Places.

Great Homes.
Great Communities.
Great People.

If you have any questions on this plan or its contents, please email communications@greatplaces.org.uk