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The latest welfare benefits news and updates from our Money Matters Team

POSTED: 21/12/2023


The December update from our Money Matters Team.


Introducing Conversational Platform technology into Universal Credit (UC) telephone

On 30 November the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) introduced a new technology called Conversational Platform onto the Department’s telephony channels, starting with Universal Credit. This will transform the customer journey by replacing traditional Interactive Voice Response options (press 1 for X, 2 for Y etc.) with a voice-led interactive solution. Conversational Platform will enable customers to speak naturally, securing better insight into why they are calling, and how best to respond to their enquiry. The Platform will provide self-serve instructions to simple enquiries, saving customers time spent waiting in a call queue and reducing call demand to agents. Where a further conversation with someone is required, Conversational Platform will help route the call to the right person first time. You can find more information in this  factsheet


Changes to the Work Capability Assessment

The DWP has published their response to the consultation on changes to the Work Capability Assessment criteria. It will be making changes to how they assess the Mobilising and Getting About activities as well as the Substantial Risk rules to reflect the modern world of work and greater employment opportunities for disabled people since the WCA criteria were last reviewed in 2011. DWP said it will continue to protect those with the most severe conditions while ensuring those that can work are supported in doing so. Its expanded employment and health offer will provide integrated and tailored support to disabled people to support them and help move claimants closer to work. Under these changes, most existing claimants on health benefits will not need to be re-assessed with a new Work Capability Assessment. Re-assessments will only take place under limited circumstances, which are:

Alongside these changes, DWP will also be bringing forward a new ‘Chance to Work Guarantee’ that it says will remove the fear of re-assessments and give people the confidence to try work, while providing continuity of service for vulnerable claimants.


Benefit payments over Christmas and New Year

Some payments will be made earlier if they’re due between 25 December 2023 and 2 January 2024.

For Universal Credit claimants, if your payment is due on either the 25th or 26th December, the payment will be made on Friday 22nd December.

Payments due on 27th December will be paid as normal on the 27th.  Payments due on Monday the 1st Jan will be paid early on Friday 29th December.


Jobcentre Plus Christmas and New Year Opening times

Friday 22 December 2023 – Offices are open as usual. Phone lines are open until 4pm

25- 27 December – Offices and phonelines are closed

28 -29 December – Offices are open as usual. Phone lines are open until 4pm

Monday 1 January – Offices and phonelines are closed

Tuesday 2 January – Offices are open as usual. Phone lines are open until 4pm


Watch out for scammers this Christmas

It can be really hard to retain all of the information about the various scams doing the rounds, so here’s a quick guide of dos and don’ts:

And finally ….

If you need guidance with welfare benefit matters and specific customer queries or issues, The Money Advice Team is on hand to support all customers  who may need help. You can contact the Money Advice Team at moneymatters@greatplaces.org.uk with details and a member of the team will get back in touch.

