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Consultation on the new consumer standards – we want to hear your thoughts

POSTED: 7/09/2023


As you may know, the Regulator of Social Housing has revised its regulatory consumer standards that landlords will be held accountable to. This is to ensure that all tenants across the country have choice and protection, and live in homes that are safe and good quality.


These updated standards are currently being drafted, with the aim for them to be finalised by February 2024 and put in place by April 2024. It’s important that these new standards truly reflect the needs of communities across the country, and your thoughts and insight is crucial to ensure this.


The Regulator of Social Housing is holding a consultation on four draft consumer standards that cover specific aspects of the new expectations for social housing providers. They are inviting all social housing customers and landlords to engage with the draft standards, which are:



Alongside this, the Regulator has issued a draft Code of Practice for the implementation of the proposed new standards, as well as an impact assessment and equality assessment, which they are also keen to hear views on in the consultation.


As a Social Housing Provider, we will be providing a platform for our customers to engage with the consultation, which will be live till 17 October 2023. Keep a look out for updates!


In the meantime, you can take a look at the below:


For more information surrounding the proposals and how you can have your say, click here.

To read the new proposed consumer standards, click here

And you can find the consultation questions here

