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Delivering 500+ new homes across Greater Manchester

POSTED: 14/08/2023

A view of Chestergate alongside the River Mersey


Great Places Housing Group is set to deliver more than 500 new homes across Greater Manchester after a new grant from Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s(GMCA) Brownfield Housing Fund.

Great Places has received an allocation of £8.4million in the 2023 round of funding, on top of the £4.3million allocation it secured in 2022, to unlock the delivery of the new homes across six of the 10 Greater Manchester districts and for a range of tenures from Social Rent to Shared Ownership.

The funding will unlock a range of developments for both family housing and apartments; including Great Places’ Chestergate scheme which is their latest project within the Stockport Town Centre West regeneration zone forming part of the Mayoral Development Corporation area.

Nick Gornall, Great Places’ Director of Development, said the new funding proves the organisation’s commitment to address the housing crisis

The funding secured demonstrates our commitment to the development of new affordable homes across Greater Manchester to meet housing need and to regenerate areas by bringing brownfield sites back into use to create integrated, sustainable communities.

We already have projects on site within eight of the 10 districts within Greater Manchester and this funding will assist in unlocking delivery in the remaining two.

We couldn’t have secured these grant allocations without the support of our stakeholders, in particular the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the local authorities for which we are grateful.

Partnership working is at the heart of our business; it’s in our DNA. We are all about working with others to maximise the benefits for our customers – delivering more homes, improved services and better outcomes in the process.

Councillor Ged Cooney, Greater Manchester Lead for Housing, said:

Great Places have experience of bringing back to life brownfield sites in our city-region and will be delivering 500 more new homes through this latest investment.

The Brownfield Housing Fund is designed to unlock brownfield land for development, supporting the Government’s ambition to prioritise brownfield land, while also increasing housing supply and wider growth. In total, the Greater Manchester Brownfield Housing Fund will unlock more than 16,000 critically needed homes in our city-region.

To date, the fund has supported the development of more than 6,700 homes on sites in Greater Manchester, with many projects now accelerating delivery in order to help tackle the housing shortage in the city-region while also minimising the impact on our green spaces.
