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Work moving forward on Russell Road

POSTED: 31/07/2023


We’re pleased that plans for Russell Road, including the first purpose-built LGBTQ+ majority Extra Care scheme in the UK, are now moving forward following our recent appointment as the new preferred provider.

The Extra Care scheme will form part of the new development on the site of the former Spire Hospital. It will offer affordable self-contained homes for people aged 55+ with access to flexible care and support services on-site if needed, enabling residents to keep their independence and stay in their home if their care needs change.

All partners involved are delighted that the project is moving ahead. This is a great opportunity to develop and deliver a Centre of Excellence in Manchester providing safe, respectful and identity confirming Independent Living and Extra Care services for the LGBTQ+ community.

Co-production will be a key part of the scheme’s development. Great Places is working in close partnership with the Community Steering Group (made up of representatives from the local, LGBTQ+ and older people’s communities), LGBT Foundation and Manchester City Council to ensure the scheme achieves its agreed purpose and creates a lasting positive addition to Whalley Range.

The Community Steering Group is already meeting with the project team. Initial meetings included a walkabout of the local area to look at how the scheme will fit in with existing buildings and architecture and to map out the existing nearby amenities and services. Planned future sessions include a visit to Elmswood Park Extra Care Scheme, and a trip to the LGBT Foundation Archive at Central Library. These sessions will form an important part of informing the co-production process as the Steering Group works with Great Places to develop design proposals for the planned development.

We also anticipate that site surveys and investigations will also begin at Russell Road in August, so neighbours are likely to see activity on the site at that time.

As the project progresses, we will provide further updates, sharing proposed plans with the local community ahead of sending these for planning permission later in the year.

If you’re interested in becoming involved in this exciting project, the Community Steering Group is looking to expand its membership and particularly wants to expand the diversity and inclusion of the group. For more information on how you can get involved contact Adam Preston from LGBT Foundation at adam.preston@lgbt.foundation
