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Customer Scrutiny Group – Insight

Are you a Great Places customer who would like to make a difference? If so, you could be a valuable support to INSIGHT, Great Places Customer Scrutiny Group.

Customer scrutiny is important – it helps us understand customers’ views and priorities which allows us to recognise areas of service that work well and where we can make improvements. It allows customers to influence service working together with Great Places to continually improve service for all customers.

Over the past twelve month Insight has carried out Scrutiny Reviews of:

  • Estate Management and Communal Spaces
  • Lettings and Empty Properties
  • Employment and Skills Support

In 2024 a total of 14 service improvement recommendations were agreed and actions tracked against progress.

What does Insight do?

The customer scrutiny group explores how Great Places works by taking an in-depth look at services – here are some ways the members do this:

  • Research how services are delivered to customers.
  • Review service performance data, ask customers about their service experiences and observe meetings or talk to Great Places colleagues.

Members then report findings to Great Places and suggest ways they can do things better based on evidence. Scrutiny is a valuable way that customers can influence service. Read below how you can contribute to help support the scrutiny of services.

Different ways you can support scrutiny

  • Join online meetings with other customers
  • Carry out tasks from home
  • Shadow and observe a Great Places colleague
  • Complete a survey or feedback about your experience of a service
  • Research how other landlords deliver service to identify best practice

Who can join / support scrutiny?

All Great Places customers are eligible to support scrutiny work because of your experience of services, which can inform and help influence the improvement of our services.

Qualities useful for customer scrutiny members are:

  • An ability to identify positive and negative aspects of service delivery
  • A willingness to talk about solutions and contribute ideas
  • Enjoys working with others to achieve goals, and is respectful of other’s views
  • Objective, honest and has an open approach

What will I get in return?

  • As an Insight member, you’ll receive all the training you need to be confident in your role and you’ll get to learn new skills which can help you in both your personal and professional life. A role like this one also looks great on your CV.
  • To help you keep in touch with the rest of the group, we’ll give you your own laptop or tablet and contribute to the cost of your internet at home. You’ll also receive out of pocket expenses for every exercise you complete.
  • Many of our current Insight members find the social aspect rewarding and have made good friendships in the group. You’ll also get the satisfaction of knowing that you’re making a real difference to the future of our services.

What skills do I need?

You don’t need any previous experience “” all we ask is that you are committed to the project. You’ll work as part of a group of other customers to suggest service improvements from a customer perspective.

We will provide any relevant training and cover any ‘out of pocket’ expenses, such as travel and carer costs.