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Eric’s story – supported housing enabling independent living

POSTED: 29/08/2024

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Eric is a 56 year old disabled customer who uses a wheelchair full time. Eric was living in accommodation which could not accommodate his wheelchair and was having a significant impact on his ability to live an independent life. The restrictions with the accommodation began to really affect Eric’s wellbeing and they were becoming increasingly more frustrated with having to rely on carers when they knew they could be fully independent.

Eric applied for a wheelchair adapted property at Tulloch Court in Blackpool and was accepted. The property is fully adapted for wheelchair use with lower worktops and appliances as well as wider doorways to allow Eric to live completely independently.

Eric now has no care package and loves his new home and independence. Colleagues at the scheme say that Eric is thriving at Tulloch and his wellbeing has massively improved.

This Starts at Home Day, Eric’s story shows the importance of supported housing within our communities and the positive impact it can have on individuals to support them to live independently.
