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Money Matters – Mark and Tracy’s Story

POSTED: 17/07/2024


Our Money Matters Team is always on hand to provide support and advice for customers who may be struggling with the rising cost of living, trying to navigate what benefits they may be entitled to, or needing general budgeting advice.

Cara Chisholm from the team recently helped Mark and Tracey (names changed) a couple in our North Region who were struggling to keep up with their keep up with rent and utility bills. As Cara explains:

Due to Tracy’s health related issues and Mark being in part time work the couple had found themselves in debt with creditors and were unsure how to deal with the situation.

During my initial assessment it was evident that the couple were claiming Universal Credit (UC) but had been unable to access their journal so weren’t sure if they were in receipt of the correct amount. I contacted the Jobcentre Work Coach Team Leader to advise them of this issue and to escalate it to resolve this for the couple.

Tracy had told me that she had recently applied for Personal Independence Payments (PIP) and was awaiting an appointment with them. She had not been advised to request a Work Capability Assessment for UC purposes which, if awarded, would increase the level of UC they were entitled to, so I advised her on how to request this. I also told the couple how to open a new bank account with a bank that would accept them despite having a poor credit rating. We then looked to complete an Income & Expenditure form to highlight debts and expenses and agreed that when they had access to their UC journal, we could complete the income section, so I could then better advise them on their situation.

When we met again, the issue with access to their UC journal was resolved and with this information we were able to complete an application for a United Utilities water grant. This was awarded and the couple were granted £930 off their bill as well as a lower monthly payment going forward. We also applied for Council Tax Support which reduced their current bill by £681.

Tracy was awarded PIP and because she had requested the Work Capability Assessment, and their UC award was then increased to consider her disabilities.

During my work with the couple, they had also told me they were also missing items needed for the home such as beds and a baby carriage. In response we were able to assist with the purchase of these items through our Household Assistance fund. We also advised them on debt options to unsecured creditors and empowered the couple to contact them to make agreements to settle these now that their income had increased, and we had secured funding for them.

Thanks to the support Mark and Tracy received from Cara, they were able to manage their finances better and clear their rent arrears. Their rent account is now in credit. Mark and Tracy’s story is just one example of where Cara and the Money Matters Team has been able to help our customers to get support that all too often many of them are not aware of.

Remember the Money Matters Team is on hand to support customers who may need help. If you think you may need some advice email moneymatters@greatplaces.org.uk with details and a member of the team will get back in touch. You can also find useful information on the dedicated Money Matters page on our website here https://www.greatplaces.org.uk/customers/support-for-you/managing-your-money/
