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Meadow Lodge Art Day: A celebration of creativity and community

POSTED: 3/07/2024

Article by: Great Places


On the 6th of June 2024, Meadow Lodge, a Great Places scheme, hosted a vibrant Art Day that brought together residents, a local artist, and the wider community in a celebration of creativity and connection. The highlight of the event was the unveiling of the beautiful mural created as part of the collaborative mural project, led by the talented artist Richard Preston.

Preston, known for his colourful and meaningful murals across Manchester, worked closely with the residents of Meadow Lodge in a series of art sessions leading up to the event to create the mural. These sessions were not just about painting; they were about community building, self-expression, and celebrating the unique spirit of Meadow Lodge.

Residents participated in workshops to decide on the theme, colours, and style of the mural with all materials provided by Great Places. They collectively chose to paint two birds: a magpie, reflecting the local wildlife often seen in the community garden, and a robin, symbolising good luck and new beginnings. The design choices were made to resonate with the residents’ daily experiences and aspirations.

Richard Preston commented on the mural, saying, “I think this mural will make people smile, give them a positive and hopeful feeling and a sense of community and direction.” His words capture the essence of the project, which aimed to uplift and inspire the Meadow Lodge community.

Preston also explains how he aims to motivate residents to follow their artistic feelings: “I hope this type of project will push people to pursue their artistic tendencies, give them something to talk about, bring people together, and create a feeling of home.” Hayley, a resident who has been deeply involved in this artistic project, is one of these customers. She shared her journey with us, explaining how she started participating in art activities as a hobby to improve her mental health, and how this has had a positive impact on her. “These activities have helped me build my confidence and my self-perception. It has helped me focus on me for once, and I have seen myself grow,” she explained. Reflecting on her experience with the supportive environment at Meadow Lodge, she added, “Meadow Lodge staff have been so supportive throughout my physical struggles, always checking on me and making sure I was fine.”

Nine residents have actively participated in these art sessions, incorporating positive affirmations into their creations. This practice not only enhanced the artwork but also fostered a positive and encouraging atmosphere.

The Art Day was hugely successful  and featured more than just the mural unveiling. Attendees enjoyed delicious food provided by local caterer Empire Deluxe catering, which added a culinary delight to the creative atmosphere.

Also in attendance at the event were Matt Harrison, recently departed CEO of Great Places, Alison Dean, CEO of Great Places, Patrick Brown, Community Investment Officer and one of Great Places colleagues responsible for the project and Gill Rimmer, Employability Coach part of the Neighbourhoods team.

Both Alison and Matt took the time to meet with residents, Neighbourhood Services Managers (NSMs), and the artist, further emphasising the strong community support and leadership within Great Places.

With the support of local businesses  and the involvement of various community services, the event highlighted the strength of community spirit.. spirit.

Commenting on the event, Matt Harrison, recently departed CEO at Great Places, said:

“Meadow Lodge Art Day beautifully encapsulates the essence of our Great Places community – creativity, collaboration, and a profound sense of connection. Witnessing residents come together to create something so meaningful and vibrant is truly inspiring. This mural is not just a piece of art; it’s a testament to the collective spirit and resilience of Meadow Lodge. I’m proud of everyone involved and excited for the continued positive impact this project will have on our Great Places community.”

Alison Dean, CEO at Great Places, added:

“Great Places is thrilled to have funded the Meadow Lodge Art Day project, which has truly brought our community together in a celebration of creativity and positivity. The unwavering support and effort from our Great Places colleagues has been instrumental in bringing this project to life. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone involved for their commitment to fostering such a vibrant and inclusive community at Meadow Lodge.”

Patrick Brown, Community Investment Officer, offered his perspective too:

“I love seeing art be used to boost people’s spirits and the effect it can have on peoples mental health. It’s also inspiring to see how the artist has made a career out of doing what he loves. It was great to see everyone getting involved with the design of the mural. It looks great and I’m sure it will create a happier environment for the residents at Meadow lodge.”





Article by: Great Places
