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The Latest Energy Advice Update From Our Money Matters Team

POSTED: 9/11/2023


As we move towards winter, Andy Wilson the resident Energy Advisor from our Money Matters Team provides his latest update on all things energy related.

Energy Tariff update – Some energy tariff deals are still available for customers looking to switch. Tracker tariffs (following wholesale costs) and fixed tariffs (set for a minimum of a year) are being offered by some providers. There is some good guidance on the Martin Lewis website on whether it is worth the while shifting from the current tariff across. The general rule of thumb is that it’s worth considering switching if the offered tariff is a maximum of 3% higher than the current one, due to forecast changes to the Energy Price cap over the next year.

Energy Doctor VisitsThese funded visits are available across Greater Manchester and Lancashire and in the Sheffield area. The service provides one-to-one support to customers including energy efficiency advice, help in applying for grants/discounts, support with energy debt, understanding heating controls and energy in the home. The links above contain phone numbers and online referral forms for anyone who may be struggling with managing their energy in some way within their home.

Fuel Fund voucher scheme – A scheme is being launched very soon for customers who are on prepayment meters and are struggling financially to the point of being at risk of self-disconnection. The vouchers are for £49 each with a maximum of 6 which can be applied for each household with evidence of income/expenditure and a photo of the prepayment meter which must be submitted. This information must be collected for the relevant customer and sent to moneymatters@greatplaces.org.uk and a member of the team will then make the application.

Remember The Money Advice Team is on hand to support customers who may need help. If you are struggling contact the Money Advice Team at moneymatters@greatplaces.org.uk with details and we’ll see what we can do.
