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Spotlight on Meadow Lodge: Creating a Positive Living Experience

POSTED: 15/01/2024

Article by: Great Places


Meadow Lodge, nestled in the heart of Stretford, is undergoing a transformation to enhance the living experience for its residents. The focus is on interactive, resident-led activities that cater to a diverse range of needs and desires, ultimately aiming to foster an environment where residents leave with confidence, well-prepared for independent accommodation.

Digital Inclusion Initiatives

Meadow Lodge recognises the importance of digital literacy in today’s world. Partnering with local charity, Lifeshare, the scheme is launching digital inclusion sessions. These sessions aim to equip residents with basic IT skills for future success. The charity organisation has generously donated two laptops, and upon course completion, participants will receive smartphones, providing them with essential tools for communication and connectivity.

Art Sessions and Mural Project

Adding a creative touch to the community, Meadow Lodge has collaborated with local artist Richard Preston, renowned for his vibrant murals across Manchester. Residents have been actively participating in art sessions, contributing to canvases for a courtyard mural. The mural’s design is a collective effort, with residents sharing their insights to ensure it reflects the essence of Meadow Lodge and its significance to them.

Find out a bit more about the artist’s work in the following link: https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/stunning-hand-painted-murals-wildlife-25004729

Fitness and wellbeing

The communal courtyard regularly comes alive with group fitness sessions led by a qualified Personal Trainer, initially a staff member turned resident. What started informally has now evolved into scheduled fitness classes, empowering residents to take charge of their wellbeing. The initiative not only promotes physical health but also fosters a sense of community and collaboration.

Music Recording Sessions

Meadow Lodge supports residents’ passions, as demonstrated by a music enthusiast who had the opportunity to record in a professional studio. The resident’s impressive work generated attention, opening doors for potential involvement in local radio. This initiative showcases Meadow Lodge’s commitment to nurturing individual talents and providing platforms for creative expression.

EGG (Engage Grow Go) Collaboration

The presence of EGG at Meadow Lodge has been instrumental in building positive links for life skills and employment. Collaborating with residents, EGG facilitated meaningful connections, such as one resident exploring opportunities to establish his own clothing line. A meeting with the CEO of Music Magpie and subsequent connections with the CEO of Sports Direct demonstrate the huge impact of such partnerships.

Other activities at Meadow Lodge

Expanding beyond traditional support methods, Meadow Lodge is utilising its communal space for a range of diverse activities. Bingo, quiz nights, and table football tournaments provide engaging alternatives to one-on-one sessions. The positive turnout at these events is a result of the growing culture of friendship and mutual support within the community.

Meadow Lodge’s commitment to a full offer of resident support, combined with innovative programs and partnerships, is fostering a positive and empowering living experience for customers. As the community continues to evolve, Meadow Lodge remains dedicated to creating an environment where residents can reflect on their time with pride, knowing they are well-prepared for the next steps in their journey toward independent living. An example of this positive impact can be heard in the following video, where our resident Dean tells us about his experience:


Article by: Great Places
