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Our Money Advice Team shares some recent success stories

POSTED: 19/09/2023


Our dedicated Money Advice Team is on hand to provide a range of support and advice for customers who may be struggling with the rising cost of living, trying to navigate what benefits they may be entitled to, or just needing general budgeting advice.

Cara Chisholm from the Team shares some of the recent stories where they have been able to support Great Places’ customers.

JK’s story

“I met JK at a recent Money MOT and Employment Support event with local Community Partnership Manager Leanne Keane and Employability Coach Naseem Akhtar where we had a number of customers approach us for advice.

“JK came along to the event out of curiosity as they said, “I know I’m not entitled to anything as I have checked before.”

“They explained that they receive a State Pension and a small works pension with no savings. JK was using a walking stick, so I asked them if they had health issues. They explained that they have problems with circulation their legs and hands so struggle with walking and some personal care tasks. I suggested that we make an application for Attendance Allowance which I completed with them the following week after the event and submitted the claim.

“Thanks to that chance meeting they were able to successfully make a claim, which also meant that they can also apply for Pension Credit, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support which I was also able to support with. This means that JK is now receiving around £193 a week in support that they were missing before speaking to us (£68.10p/wk attendance allowance, £11.36p/wk pension credit, £92.86p/wk HB and £20.72p/wk council tax support) this works out at £10,000 for the whole year! JK was so happy with the outcome and stated, “I’m 80 years old and my ship has finally come in!”

HS’s Story

“HS came to us via a referral from their Neighbourhood Services Manager who advised us that HS was struggling paying their rent and council tax from their state pension and had been using personal savings to make their rent payments.

“I went to meet HS at home where we went through a benefit calculation with them to see if they may be eligible for support. It showed that he was entitled to Pension Credit and would be entitled to full Housing Benefit and Council tax Benefit.

“I completed the forms online for all the benefits during the visit and this resulted in his rent account going from being £329.64 in arrears and worrying about making their next rent payment as their savings had dwindled to receiving a HB backdated payments which saw them being in credit by £1200.”

Remember if you think we can help let us know!

These are just some of the stories of recent ways in which Cara and the Team have been able to help customers to get support that all too often many of them are not aware of. Remember the Money Advice Team are on hand to support customers who may need help. If you think you may need some advice email moneymatters@greatplaces.org.uk with details and a member of the team will get back in touch. You can also find useful information on managing your finances here.
