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Nourishing more than bodies: Meals on Wheels initiative

POSTED: 18/07/2024

Article by: Great Places


Knutsford charity and key partner of Great Places, The Welcome, has an important mission: delivering more than just meals through its Meals on Wheels service.

The initiative, launched in 2020 has seen The Welcome delivering hot meals from its café kitchen to vulnerable people all across the town. Feedback has been so good that The Welcome now seek to expand the service, and double daily meal deliveries from 20 to 40, aiming to ensure the service’s viability and sustainability.

Moreover, with the introduction of a fresh range, customers can now plan ahead purchasing extra meals on Fridays for the weekend.

Beyond the mere act of delivering food, Meals on Wheels aims to improve social connection and support within the Knutsford community, linking vulnerable or isolated people with other local services. The Welcome has trained staff and volunteers who are able to signpost and offer support on a variety of subjects including health, wellbeing, housing and budgeting.

Priced affordably at £6.50 for a hot meal with dessert, or £5.50 each for fresh meals ready to heat, the service also aims to tackle health inequality. Loneliness and isolation have been linked to an increase in hospital admissions and many preventable diseases are related to poor diet and nutrition.

At the heart of the service lies the belief that meals can serve as more than just sustenance—they can be a lifeline, and a source of comfort for those who may not otherwise have a connection to the community.

Simon Carin, Chair of the Board of Trustees for The Welcome, says,

Our primary goal is to ensure that vulnerable older people in our community have access to the support they need and aren’t feeling isolated.

We not only deliver delicious and nutritious meals to their doorstep, we also provide a daily touch point and social interaction.

We understand that a friendly face and a kind word can make all the difference to brightening up someone’s day and alleviating the feelings of loneliness.

By supporting The Welcome to increase their Meals on Wheels service delivery, Great Places is committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of our Longridge and Shaw Heath neighbourhood. If you would like to know more call:  01565 750905

Article by: Great Places
