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Money Matters – The latest advice from our Energy Expert

POSTED: 11/12/2023


Andy Wilson, the resident Energy Advisor in our Money Matters Team provides his latest round up on the support on hand to help those who may be struggling with their energy bills.

Get paid by your energy supplier!

Outrageous as it sounds, most energy suppliers now run ‘energy saving sessions’ that pay customers back for the energy they have saved, during certain specified times to ease the pressure off the national grid during high demand. Depending on your supplier, it’s possible to earn £20 – £100 over a winter period so well worth checking out and potentially an incentive to change tariffs.

The money saving expert website breaks down the participating energy suppliers in terms of which are more generous with their rates of pay-outs.

Cold weather payments

With recent cold spells seeing a significant drop in temperatures you may be eligible for cold weather payments (£25 per 7-day period of very cold weather) if you receive certain means tested benefits.

You can see if your area has experienced the required level of cold weather to qualify here and also check your own eligibility here

Fuel voucher schemes

There are currently a number of energy fuel voucher schemes to support our most vulnerable customers.

Great Places may be able to provide some support in making applications so if you feel you are struggling with your energy bills/payments and at risk of disconnection through rising energy debt you can email moneymatters@greatplaces.org.uk to express your interest.

The application will require some photos to demonstrate eligibility e.g., benefits letter, bank statement etc. which will be needed from each customer.

Stay warm without spending a fortune!

With the way that energy prices have gone over the last couple of years, it’s easy to be anxious about the cost of heating and hot water, particularly through the colder months.

Whilst it’s important for everyone to be able to use their heating systems, there are a number of clever energy saving gadgets which are designed to heat the person rather than the home when the heating is not in use.

The Money saving expert website has a recent article which details a good number of heated devices from electric blankets to USB gloves and the associated running costs for each.

Go with the (energy) flow!

A new campaign has been launched encouraging residents to examine their boiler flow temperature (the temperature set for your central heating hot water to reach) and to consider turning it down to 60 °C if it’s significantly more than this which can save the average household up to £65 per year.

Check out https://www.moneysavingboilerchallenge.com/ to find out how you can check this opportunity for yourself and what to look out for with your own heating set up.

Funded ‘green doctor’ visits available through Groundwork

Are you in need of some direct energy advice within your home, support towards making savings and accessing available discounts/grants?

Groundwork, an environmental charity provide this service, free to residents across all Great Places regions through the provision of home visits.

If you feel you could benefit from this service please email moneymatters@greatplaces.org.uk to express your interest in the scheme.

Additional support from your Energy Supplier

All major energy suppliers are offering various packages of support to customers who are most in need.

restless.co.uk lists which suppliers offer what and who this applies to. From some which are able to waive standing charges on payments to others who can provide energy saving devices for vulnerable customers, there are a mix of grants and supports available. The British Gas ‘Individual and Families’ fund is even available for those who aren’t British Gas customers.

Advice and support is also available on the energy regulator Ofgem’s website and the Energy Saving Trust

And finally … 

Remember The Money Matters Team is on hand to support all customers who may need help. You can email the team at moneymatters@greatplaces.org.uk or speak to your Neighbourhood Services Manager and ask them to make a referral to the team on your behalf.

