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Latest update on our Russell Road Extra Care Scheme Project – February 2024

POSTED: 29/02/2024


Work continues to gather pace in preparation for submission of plans for Russell Road. Last month saw the launch a public consultation on our proposals for the site. Thanks to everyone who took the time to come along to the two public meetings in January and who have submitted their views via our consultation web page. We’re pleased to share that feedback to date has been really positive and provided a range of constructive comments which we’re reviewing and will inform our proposals ahead of the planning submission later next month. If you haven’t taken part already, there’s still time to add your views here or by contacting Chris.Baldwin@greatplaces.org.uk by 8 March. 


Alongside the consultation, initial site investigations are continuing, and you may see some additional activity on site in the next few weeks as we look to carry out final investigation work ahead of planning submission. 


The co-production with the Community Steering Group (CSG) has also continued, with the CSG participating in the Public Consultation, answering questions about the co-production process and design of the scheme. This involvement was very successful in helping to attract the interest of other people interested in joining the CSG who we hope will be joining the co-production activities from February. The CSG will continue be involved as we work towards planning submission of our final designs. 


In addition, our plans for Russell Road have continued to attract local and national media attention and Gavin White, Manchester City Council’s Executive Member for Housing and Development appeared on BBC Radio Four’s You and Yours programme. If you missed it, you can still listen to the interview on BBC Sounds here.


Thanks again for your ongoing support and we look forward to keeping you up to date as the project progresses.  


