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Switch to save before energy prices go up in April

Energy prices are set to rise 6% on April 1st with many households facing higher energy bills. The price cap, which sets the maximum rate that energy suppliers can charge for each unit of energy and daily standing charges, will increase, bringing the annual cost for a typical household to £1,849. For the majority of […]

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The latest update from Insight

Insight recently started a scrutiny review to test what it’s like if a customer has to report anti-social behaviour to Great Places. The group are gathering evidence to understand more about this service, and shortly plan to contact customers to ask about their experiences. Customer feedback is crucial to the success of scrutiny reviews, it’s […]

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GP hosts GMHP customer voice session

On Friday (14 March), we hosted a Greater Manchester Housing Partnership customer voice session at our Head Office with customers from across the region. The GMHP customer voice group is made up of 24 housing organisations from across the city who work together to share knowledge and good practice for the benefit of our customers […]

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Great Places Housing Group

Great Places Housing Group exists to improve the lives of the people living in our 26,000 homes across the North West and Yorkshire. We are much more than just a landlord, providing a wide-range of services and promoting partnership work to create vibrant, sustainable communities.